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Love is Never Broken

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Broken.

Orion and butterfly 005
A broken femur bone

A time will come when you no longer run with such carelessness. You will lay quietly in old age and sleep away your days. No longer will I worry about a broken bone. But then I will worry about the years left with me. For now, I try to keep you still, comfortable, and without pain. Heal quickly dear Orion, and remember our love for you will never be broken like your leg. It will just get stronger with the passing years.Orion and butterfly 001


I am an American who moved to Colombia to find peace after the devastating loss of my daughter. I bought and renovated a Villa, am learning Spanish, and writing as catharsis. This blog will be like a book with chapters. Each blog will be about my life in Colombia and my adventures. I hope you will enjoy the many new discoveries I am making every day about myself and another culture.

10 thoughts on “Love is Never Broken

  1. ! would write the same thing about my belove doggy yorki ”Max”!!!
    You always find the good words to express your feeling Michele…
    I think that our souls really connecting about almost everythings !
    You are such a recomfort for all of your followers…
    Love you my dear friend!
    Daniela xx 🙂


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