Posted in Internet

The Best Life

Do you remember life before the internet?

The best times in my life were before the internet came with social media. My family took summer vacations without having to post every photo on social media. We took pictures and put them in albums. We spent time together without looking at our phones to see who was watching our posts. We enjoyed each other. Those were the best of times for me—a more straightforward, more intimate gathering of our friends and families. Now, I don’t have albums and have lost so many moments to the internet photo albums. It isn’t the same.


I am an American who moved to Colombia to find peace after the devastating loss of my daughter. I bought and renovated a Villa, am learning Spanish, and writing as catharsis. This blog will be like a book with chapters. Each blog will be about my life in Colombia and my adventures. I hope you will enjoy the many new discoveries I am making every day about myself and another culture.

5 thoughts on “The Best Life

  1. I just sat and looked at scrapbooks over the weekend! However, this morning I listened to two young Japanese boys, one who spoke perfect unaccented English… who told the interviewer they had learned from watching tv, watching movies, and playing games in English. It was remarkable. They said they could not sit and read a book in English, but that they had picked up the ability to speak fluently. My conclusion is that the internet CAN be a help, and I admit it can also be a nuisance!

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  2. Yes, I do remember life before the internet… I feel sorry for our younger generation who doesn’t. We may not have had information in an instant but we actually had to research on our own to get answers to our questions. Life was so much simpler & our joys were simpler too! I miss it!

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